Prop. A: reports, photos, documents…
[wpc_client]This page will be used mainly to provide your weekly Property Inspection Reports. Every time we visit your house, you'll be notified through a filled form uploaded here. This form will include the time and date we inspected your property, the reason (in case of a required extra inspection) and any matters or problems we may encounter during our visit. Another paper copy will be left at your property, too.
We'll be using this page also to upload photos, alarm response reports (if agreed on your service level agreement), documents and any other files, should you require them. This means that if you want us to send you any specific document (other than budgets, invoices or property inspection reports) or photos of workings or repairs done at your property, we'll be pleased to forward them to you in order to allow you check that everything's fine.
Please, bear in mind that, like Property Inspection Reports and budgets, these documents will be safety kept for two years. On January 2015, we'll delete all 2013 files.
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